A History On My Testimonials
For many years, I never had a testimonial page. Because I believe in authenticity, I had always said I wouldn't put testimonials up unless they were signed. And unfortunately, that conflicted with the fact that I run a very confidential practice and do not want my clients publicly identified. However, that all changed a number of years ago when I had several clients passionately offer testimonials of their personal experience with my coaching, and encouraged me to share them publicly. So with that said, here are a few comments for your evaluation. - Tim Dugger
I met Tim when I first decided to move away from teaching, a profession I had been in for 12 years. Since I really didn't have a great idea of what I wanted to do next, Tim recommended I complete some assessments that might shed some light on my strengths and interests, so I did.
I found the results helpful, but even more helpful was when I met back up with Tim to review the results with him. His insights on what to take away from the results and possible next steps provided some fantastic direction and were an incredibly helpful way to start my career transition. I ended up landing in the field of HR and have enjoyed the past year I’ve spent in this profession.
Whether you're looking for some direction in finding a career that suits you or looking to get more from your current profession, Tim is a great resource and genuinely cares about helping you grow to new heights!
- Jason Love - September 10, 2023
Seven years ago, I met with Tim to figure out how to transition from a stay-at-home Mom to entering the workforce while going through a divorce. In 2.5 hours of meeting with Tim, I had a clear vision of the path I wanted to take, a resume filled with strengths, and an understanding of what type of work environment I would thrive in. I felt empowered with confidence, knowledge about myself, and powerful words that I would use to describe myself to others. He relieved my fear about how to transition from "classroom Mom" to a successful employee.
Four years later, I took my 17 year old son to meet with Tim. I was struggling to help my son find his passions as we began the college process. Tim quickly identified my son's strengths and provided a clear vision of the environments my son would succeed in pursuing. Recently, I took my 16 ear old daughter, and again, Tim provided my daughter and me a clear path for her success. Whether you are a student, stay-at-home Mom, high-powered executive, or anything in between, the information Tim provides will be invaluable to your career and your personal journey. Highly recommend.
- Cindy Polston - October 18, 2022
If you are looking to hire a career coach, look no further, Tim is the best out there. I went to Tim and he helped me with rewriting my resume and interview preparation. In addition, Tim also offers personality testing that I would highly recommend - my results were spot on. The services Tim provides are top notch and I feel much more confident now going into interviews and networking with people after working with him.
-Tom French - June 18, 2022
Yesterday was my first day in my new role and I wanted to say thank you to Tim. I think about our conversation often. It helped me find two roles I was excited about and make the final decision. It also gave me the courage and insights to turn down two roles that weren’t right for me.
I appreciate our time together and all of your insights. Thank you again Tim.
- Nick Jensen - April 07, 2022
Before I met for my career coaching session with Tim I was so confused and unsure on where to go at this point in my life and career. I am only 25 but still didn't know how to move forward and not be bored in my job. Tim had me take two different assessments on my personality style and my career interests, and after our 3 hour coaching session I left with genuine clarity. Something I didn't expect was that I left knowing what I bring to a job and what I need from a job to make me happy. This was vital for me because it gives me context and clarity for every job I have in the future!. Tim is very insightful, knowledgeable, and thorough. I would highly recommend scheduling with him, the services were well worth the money.
- Olivia Rodriguez - December 1, 2020
"I really appreciate everything that you did for me through this process, it was quite illuminating. I am convinced my improved interview skills and what I learned made all the difference. I think that I will bounce out of bed to go to work with this firm and this position!
See you at an event soon!”
- Wendy Parker – March 30, 2018
Hi Tim,
I wanted to drop you a note of gratitude for your help in securing my next job. Yesterday I accepted an offer as a Personal Financial Consultant at First Merchants Bank. Your insights through DISC and Strong Interest Inventory were critical to my pursuit of a role that utilizes my strengths and seeks a culture aligned with my motivators.
I used your customized DISC Motivators and Strengths page in my interview process and it made a positive impact on my new supervisor. My updated resume gave me the confidence to highlight experiences that demonstrated the skills I could use to succeed in my new job.
I’m grateful for our work together, and the money I invested in your efforts not only helped me secure a full-time position in Indianapolis, but I feel poised for success. I’m happy to refer you to someone in need of career coaching, so I plan to stay in touch. I pray you had a Happy Easter and that God continues to bless you personally and professionally.
Regards, John
- John Caves, Indianapolis – April 19, 2017
Thank you Tim for helping me realize my strengths and motivators, which allowed me to choose the perfect major and career for me. I truly appreciate all your help!
– Kelle Prather – April 11, 2016
Hi Tim, I worked with you a few years ago and took a few tests, was wondering if I could have access to the results again from you. Also, I went and found the exact type of job you told me I'd hate and, guess what?? I hate it!! Hate it hate it hate it!!... I really need to find something that's a better fit for me. Hope this note finds you well. Looking forward to hearing from you. Kindly,
- Marlena Banks - 10/25/15
Thanks Tim. I would have never imagined the path that has unfolded since the tests and meeting with you. Thank you for opening my eyes. I am currently enrolled in a program in school. I never thought this opportunity would be available again. I am glad we got to meet, you definitely got me thinking outside the box on what my career life could be! I’m dreaming big!!
– Alesa Murphy – February 27, 2015
Happy Birthday Tim!
I doubt you remember me, (of course I did), but six years ago, I came to see you as an outplacement through my previous employer. Since then, I ended up earning a masters degree in computer science at BSU, and in a couple of weeks, will be starting my fifth year teaching full time in BSU's CS department. Thanks for helping me to sort things out.
- David Largent, Indianapolis - July 26, 2014
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2014 12:01 AM To: Tim Dugger @ Career Cafe Subject: What I am feeling... Wow, Tim, what am I feeling after today? I'll try to sum it up as briefly as I can. There is hope for me and my style and a light at the end of what has seemed like an endless and very dark tunnel. Believe me when I say I left Indy today (after having been invigorated, inspired, and encouraged) kicking and screaming with all my might (at least in my mind) having to come back to my dismal small town, boring, non challenging, routine life and job. Today is almost one of those "pinch me was this real kind of days?"!!! I've always known God has a future for me that is good, but today gave me a HUGE reaffirmation of this and provided me with the direction, guidance, and encouragement (a fire under my butt if I can say that!) that I have wanted and needed for so long. Like I said in your office - EVERYBODY (whether they know it or not) needs to experience this kind of coaching/counseling at least once in their lifetime. My future is bright and I have YOU to thank for this encouragement & reaffirmation today! So thank you!! It's late (midnight) and I just quickly went over several different job listings/descriptions as you recommended and I have attached a list here as a Word doc. I am eagerly looking forward to whatever my next step is. Thanks again for all your help and encouragement.
- Tami - February 19, 2014
Tim, it has been a wonderful pleasure talking with you and I am grateful for your analysis of these tests - I have certainly learned more details about myself that perhaps I had known subconsciously, but had never consciously found ways of articulating certain aspects of my personality. These tests are a wonderful resource that I plan on keeping and utilizing well into the future. Many thanks to you for your services and your advice - I'll be sure to touch base with you as decisions and progress are made. I'll certainly be sure to send anybody your way should I discover them to be in similar career situations.
- J Ryan Oberhellman, Indianapolis - August 9, 2013
Hi Tim, Thank you for all your help! My whole body felt relaxed after our last meeting; it was like a giant weight had been lifted from my shoulders.
– Lesa Miller, Bloomington – January 15, 2013
When you’re in the wrong job, it’s very easy to feel “stuck.” I can think of no better way to get “un-stuck” than working with Tim Dugger. Each time we met (we did so about 5 times), I felt much better walking out because Tim helped me believe not only in myself and my abilities; but also that I would end up in a better position because I deserved it and have the right credentials for it. Basically, Tim helped me understand that I really AM as good as my resume says I am. I didn’t realize how important that belief is until we worked together. Tim is a really good “coach,” and I should know, because I’m a coach myself; though baseball and basketball are my areas of expertise. Coaches don’t coddle and they don’t provide feedback unless it can be used appropriately. Coaches are there to make you better, and Tim definitely made me better. I landed in a job because Tim coached me into looking for it, asking the right questions to uncover it, selling myself for it, and eventually closing the deal. He helped me “sell myself,” which turned out to be a lot of fun. I am very happy to offer my recommendation of Tim Dugger as an unequivocal endorsement of a special person. He will never promise to find you a job; however he WILL ensure that you have the confidence and tools to find the right one for yourself.
– Rob Albright, Indianapolis – July 11, 2012
Dear Tim, I am pleased to tell you that I AM EMPLOYED!! ….I wish you could have seen me in the interview…..I went to the job fair they held on Tuesday, and got passed up to a Sr. Director and then the Vice President!! We had a great conversation about healthy schools, and I remembered how passionate I feel about helping students achieve. There are several things I want to specifically thank you for: 1). You held a light at the end of a very dark tunnel, and told me I could navigate my way through it. 2). You helped me understand myself in a realistic way. The DISC was a very helpful process, and the sheet of motivators and strengths–once I accepted them–really helped me to feel good about what I had to offer. 3). You helped me polish my resume into a document that I felt confident and proud to use. Most importantly, figuring out my accomplishments was an important exercise for me. When I was in the interview, and asked what was I most proud of, there was not a moment’s hesitation. 4). You taught me how to search for jobs within my interests and skills. If not for that, I would not have found this position to begin with! One of the things that nagged at me was something you said early on—something to the effect of: Find your passion and the money will follow. That really stayed with me. In fact, it caused a good deal of angst, because no matter the job description I just couldn’t feel much excitement or passion about the work it described. I kept wondering if there was anything out there that would light that spark. And then I saw this job, and researched the company, read what they do and how they do it, and I got really excited! I wanted very much to see this work done, and be part of this challenge. I am scared to death–and tremendously excited–and can’t wait to get started! Thank you for all your help! I am quite sure I would not be where I am, had I not had your guidance and encouragement!! Best wishes for your continued success! Sincerely,
– Barb, Indianapolis – Feb 09, 2012
“Tim, I KICKED (butt) on that call this morning. It was EPIC!!! It went way better than it would have if we had not spent that time together yesterday!”
– Mark Gordon, Indianapolis – March 31, 2011
Hey Tim! I just want to let you know that I was offered the HR Assistant job at Winston and Strawn today! I start next Thursday! I couldn’t be happier and I am so relieved that I am finally among the employed. Thank you so much for all of your help. You gave me the ability to see who I am and what I have to offer other people. I think I nailed the “why should we hire you” question thanks to you!
– Mallory Johnson, Chicago, IL, – January 13, 2011
“Tim has made an impact on my personal and professional journey that cannot be adequately captured in words. He is a skilled, facilitator/coach who is deeply committed to his craft. He used targeted tools to help me discover my strengths, my passions, and my path. Most importantly, however, Tim genuinely cares about people. It was clear to me that coaching is more than a career for Tim, it is a calling. I highly recommend him to anyone who wants guidance from a seasoned, talented, and compassionate coach. Feel free to call me at 317 341 4498 and I am happy to discuss my experiences.”
– Bill Mugavin, M.Ed., CPLP” July 22, 2010
Ten years ago Tim helped me create my first resume and has been a continuous influence in my career decisions since. Tim is a leader and has an innate desire to coach and nurture to bring out the very best in his clients. He has a vast knowledge and a plethora of tools that ensures that his clients are getting the very best in career coaching and guidance. I would recommend Tim to anyone questioning their career path, unhappy in their chosen field or even those who may only want a “wellness check” on their current career choice. Tim will help you look at yourself and your career choices from the outside in which will allow you to evaluate your choices from an objective and “out of the box” point of view.
– Wendy Dimitri, Charlotte, NC April 2010
My life has become this amazing journey with a lot of trials and tribulations that are shaping me into the new me….(lol)….just a more vibrant version of the old me. Which I really like….each step makes me more me….I never realized how lost I was until I started speaking with you. I feel I have somewhat of a focus of where my career and my life should be headed. I have more passion and more joy than I have had in a long time. I no longer feel that my career has to be simply a pay check. Opportunities open up daily….and I know that each one is leading me towards my passion and my purpose in life. I really enjoyed chatting with you. Thanks for helping me understand who I am and what I am good at. Sincerely,
– Shirl – Indianapolis, IN April 12, 2010
“Career transition is, at best, an uncomfortable and uncertain time. Personally, it was complicated by the dread of not knowing what I really WANTED to do. Tim and I met initially and he just listened to what I liked and disliked. My goals. My aspirations. My ramblings (he’s very patient). Ultimately, he examined my resume, talked about what he heard me saying and what I wasn’t saying and described to me his process. It involved a couple of psychological profile tests designed to help me better understand not just who I am but how others SEE me. He also helped me understand the path that I wanted to take in my career. I was blessed enough to find the right job very early on in the process with Tim. Even though … I didn’t have to go through Tim’s whole process, the early returns were enough to completely win me over. Tim is doing what he is SUPPOSED to be doing and that means helping you find what YOU are supposed to be doing.”
– Rhett Cochran – Indianapolis, IN February 24, 2010
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